ISIMA 2014: Photos from the program
CITA, Toronto, June 30th - August 8th, 2014

ISIMA conference photo. Front row (kneeling, from left to right): Man Hoi Lee, Doug Lin, Pascale Garaud, Alice Quillen, Elena d'Onghia, Bryce Bolin. Second row (standing in front of concrete wall, from left to right): Norm Murray, Diana Valencia, Kathryn Daniel, Nan Wang, Xiaochen Zheng, Gongjie Li, Lukas Goessniteer, Stephen Pardy, Hagai Perets, Mark Gieles. Last row (standing on the wall, from left to right): Yanqin Qu, Scott Tremaine, Paolo Bianchini, Sarah Pearson, Filippo Contenta, Rosie Shanahan, Shangfei Liu, Meagan Lang, Adrian Hamers, Maxwell Tsai, Jean Teyssandier, Yoram Lithwick (presumably), Ben Bar Or, Harry Braviner, Douglas Heggie, Anreas Kupper, Anna Sippel, Florent Renaud. Missing: David Merritt, Pawel Artimowitz, Hanno Rein, Kirsten Menou.

Conference dinner.

Conference dinner.

ISIMA alternative conference photo.

ISIMA last lunch together.