Program Archives
This page provides links to the program archives, including:
- Links to past programs
- A list of papers published thanks to ISIMA participation
- Student and Postdoc Alumni
Past Programs
- 2010: Transport Processes in Astrophysics: UC Santa Cruz, July 6th - August 13th.
- 2011: Star and Planet Formation: KIAA Beijing, June 27th - August 5th.
- 2014: Gravitational Dynamics: CITA, Toronto, June 30th - August 8th.
ISIMA Publications
The following publications all result from ISIMA student projects, from collaborations initiated through the ISIMA program, or from work which greatly benefitted from attendance at ISIMA.
----------------- 2015 -----------------
- Torque on an exoplanet from an anisotropic evaporative wind, by Jean Teyssandier, James Owen, Fred Adams, and Alice Quillen, MNRAS, 452, 1743.
- Shell instability of a collapsing dense core by Eva Ntormousi and Patrick Hennebelle, A&A, 574, A130.
- Secular dynamics of hierarchical quadruple systems: the case of a triple system orbited by a fourth body by Adrian Hamers, Hagai Perets, Fabio Antonini, and Simon Portegies-Zwart, MNRAS, 449, 4221.
- Neutron star natal kicks and the long-term survival of star clusters by Filippo Contenta, Anna-Lisa Varri, and Douglas Heggie, MNRAS Letters, 449, L100.
- Biases in the inferred mass-to-light ratio of globular clusters: no need for variations in the stellar mass function, by Rosemary Shanahan and Mark Gieles, MNRAS Letters, 448, L94.
- Cross Sections for Planetary Systems Interacting with Passing Stars and Binaries, by Gongjie Li and Fred Adams, MNRAS, 448, 344.
- The inefficiency of satellite accretion in forming extended star clusters, by Paolo Bianchini, Florent Renaud, Mark Gieles and Anna-Lisa Varri, MNRAS Letters, 447, L40-44.
----------------- 2014 -----------------
- Stoked nondynamos: sustaining field in magnetically non-closed systems, by Ben Byington, Nic Brummell, Jennifer Stone and Douglas Gough, New Journal of Physics, 16, 8.
- Atmospheric Circulation of Brown Dwarfs: Jets, Vortices and Time Variability, by Xi Zhang and Adam Showman, ApJ Letters, 788, L6.
----------------- 2013 -----------------
- Growth of grains in brown dwarf disks , by Farzana Meru, Marina Galvagni, and Christoph Olczak, ApJ Letters, 774, L4.
- Atmospheric Heat Redistribution on Hot Jupiters , by Daniel Perez-Becker and Adam Showman, ApJ, 776, 134
- 3D mixing in hot Jupiter atmospheres I: application to the day/night cold trap in HD 209458b , by Vivien Parmentier, Adam Showman, and Yuan Lian, A&A, 558, 91
- Atmospheric circulation of hot Jupiters: insensitivity to initial conditions, by Beibei Liu and Adam Showman, ApJ, 770, 42
- From dust to planetesimals: an improved model for collisional growth in protoplanetary disks , by Pascale Garaud, Farzana Meru, Marina Galvagni, and Christoph Olczak, ApJ, 764, 146
- On the unusual gas composition in the Beta Pictoris debris disk" by Jiwei Xie, Alexis Brandeker and Yanqin Wu, ApJ, 762, 114
- Colliding planetary and stellar winds: Charge exchange and transit spectroscopy in neutral Hydrogen" by Pascal Tremblin and Eugene Chiang, MNRAS, 428, 2565
----------------- 2012 -----------------
- Ohmic Dissipation in the Interiors of Hot Jupiters by Xu Huang and Andrew Cumming, ApJ, 757, 47
- The missing cavities in the SEEDS polarized scattered light images of transitional protoplanetary disks: a generic disk model" by R. Dong et al., ApJ, 750, 161
- A new model for mixing by double-diffusive convection (semi-convection): I. The conditions for layer formation" by G. Mirouh, P. Garaud, S. Stellmach, A. Traxler and T. Wood, ApJ, 750, 61
- REBOUND: An open-source multi-purpose N-body code for collisional dynamics by Hanno Rein and Shangfei Liu, A&A, 537, 128
- Radius Dependent Angular momentum Evolution in Low Mass Stars. I. by Subu Mohanty and Ansgar Reiners, ApJ, 746, 43
- Chemical signatures of the formation processes in the stellar populations of simulated galaxies by Patricia Tissera, S.D.M. White and C. Scannapieco, MNRAS, 420, 255
----------------- 2011 -----------------
- Pair dispersion in turbulence: the subdominant role of scaling by Mark Rast and Jean-Francois Pinton, Physical Review Letters, 107, 214501
- Competing kinematic dynamo mechanisms in rotating convection with shear, by M.R.E. Poctor and D.W. Hughes, in Proc. IAU Symp. 271 (eds. N.H. Brummell and A.S. Brun) page 239
- Chemical evolution during gas-rich galaxy interactions by Josefa Perez, Leo Michel-Dansac and Patricia Tissera, MNRAS, 417,580
- Rapid inward migration of planets formed by gravitational instability by Clement Baruteau, Farzana Meru and Sijme Jan Paardekooper, MNRAS, 416, 1971
- The Sun's meridional circulation and interior magnetic field by Toby Wood, Jeremy McCaslin and Pascale Garaud, ApJ, 738, 47
- Spin down of protostars through gravitational torques , by Min-Kai Lin, Mark R. Krumholz, and Kaitlin Kratter, MNRAS, 416, 580
- Metallicity and the Universality of the IMF , by Andrew T. Myers, Mark R. Krumholz, Richard I. Klein, Christopher F. McKee, ApJ, 735, 49
- Radiative Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities , by Emmanuel Jacquet and Mark Krumholz, ApJ, 730, 116